Privacy statement

We help find the right surface treatment

Personal data processed
LOA Full Surface Group may process your personal data because you use the services of LOA Full Surface Group, and because you provide them yourself when filling in the contact form on our website. By using our services, you consent to this processing. LOA Full Surface Group may process the following personal data:

Your first and last name
Your address details
Your phone number
Your e-mail address

Why LOA Full Surface Group needs this data
LOA Full Surface Group processes your personal data to be able to contact you by telephone if you have requested it and to contact you in writing by e-mail. In addition, LOA Full Surface Group may use your personal data within the framework of the execution of an assignment agreement concluded with you.

How long does LOA Full Surface Group keep this data
LOA Full Surface Group processes your personal data in its customer database and relationship management. Your data are not used longer than strictly necessary to realise the purposes for which your data are collected. If you complete and send a digital form, that form is stored digitally in our backup for 1 month. The reason for this is that we want to make sure that your form has actually been received by us. Should that not be the case, we can retrieve your form via this backup. You will then not have to fill it in again.

Sharing of personal data obtained
LOA Full Surface Group only provides your data to the necessary parties and agencies to comply with legal obligations.

See, modify or delete data
You have the right to see, correct or delete your personal data. Deleting data is only possible if the information is not used to comply with legal obligations.

You can send a request for inspection, correction or deletion to :
LOA Full Surface Group will respond to your request as soon as possible, but at the latest within 3 weeks.

Filing a complaint
You have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority if LOA Full Surface Group fails to comply with the above points.

Personal data security
LOA Full Surface Group takes the protection of your and our own data seriously, and has taken appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. If you would like more information about the security of the personal data we collect, please contact us by phone, or send an e-mail to

We collect data for research in order to better understand our customers so that we can tailor our services accordingly. Please read our cookie statement.

This privacy notice is tailored to the use of and features on this site. Any updates and/or changes to this site, may result in changes to this privacy statement. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly.

LOA Full Surface Group can be reached as follows
Postal address: Siriusstraat 11, 5015BT at Tilburg
Business address: Siriusstraat 11, 5015BT at Tilburg
Telephone: 0135427627
Mail address: