The content on this website, including email newsletters, whitepapers, customer cases, and other communications, has been prepared with the utmost care. Despite these efforts, we cannot guarantee that all information is complete, accurate, or up-to-date. LOA Full Surface Group accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information on this website or other content created by us.
Intellectual Property
The content on this website is protected by copyright. You are permitted to copy or use the content provided you credit LOA Full Surface Group as the source and notify us. We appreciate knowing that our content is of value to you.
In this disclaimer, the following terms are defined:
Webpage: Any webpage on which the editor includes a hyperlink to this disclaimer to make it applicable to that specific page.
Editor: The authorized manager of the webpage.
Usage: Includes, but is not limited to, logging in, reading, copying, saving, distributing, and performing legal acts such as buying or renting.
Visitor: The natural person or legal entity using the webpage.
Content: Includes texts, images, videos, sounds, and other objects.
Damage: Direct or indirect harm, including data loss, loss of income, or other economic disadvantages.
This disclaimer applies to all webpages of LOA Full Surface Group. By using the webpage, you agree to this disclaimer.
Use of the Website
The content on the website is provided "as is" without any warranty. The content is intended for general use and may be modified or removed without prior notice.
LOA Full Surface Group is not responsible for damages arising from the use of the website, emails, or the inability to access the website.
Third-Party Content
Information from third parties has not been independently reviewed by us, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding its accuracy.
Unauthorized use of the website or its content may result in a violation of intellectual property rights or other legal consequences. You are responsible for all data and requests sent via the website.
LOA Full Surface Group reserves the right to restrict your access to the website or specific services.
You agree to indemnify LOA Full Surface Group and its partners from any legal or non-legal claims resulting from your use of the website or violation of third-party rights.
Governing Law
This disclaimer is governed by Dutch law. Any disputes will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands.