Wetering 21
6002 SM Weert
Precision in anodising. LOA Aldor is a specialist in anodising and chromating aluminium products.
We help you find the right surface treatment!
Get in touchLOA Aldor is known for its precision in anodising, chromating and laser engraving. With attractive options from single pieces to large series of more than 100,000 pieces. We combine fast delivery times with high-precision process control and "Made to order" quality while keeping consistent and reproducible colours constantly in mind.
LOA Aldor has its own chemical laboratory where the composition of the various process baths is regularly analysed chemically and physically. Based on the production load, the chemicals consumed are then calculated and replenished daily. This keeps the composition of the baths within a narrow range, up to 50% of supplier specification.
Reproducibility is a high requirement in surface treatment. To achieve this, LOA Aldor's anodising process is fully computer-controlled. Products can be treated fully automatically where process parameters can be called up from archives. If required, quality certificates (COC) can be issued per job. For research into aluminium alloys and for the development of new layers, Aldor has a precision anodising line with 13 baths and a permanent process technologist at its disposal.
LOA Aldor is Qualanod certified, the quality hallmark for anodising. LOA Aldor also has ISO NEN-EN-9001:2015 certification from TÜV Netherlands.
LOA Aldor has its own chemical laboratory where the composition of the various process baths is regularly analysed chemically and physically. Based on the production load, the chemicals consumed are then calculated and replenished daily. This keeps the composition of the baths within a narrow range, up to 50% of supplier specification.
Reproducibility is a high requirement in surface treatment. To achieve this, LOA Aldor's anodising process is fully computer-controlled. Products can be treated fully automatically where process parameters can be called up from archives. If required, quality certificates (COC) can be issued per order. For research into aluminium alloys and for the development of new layers, Aldor has a precision anodising line with 13 baths and a permanent process technologist at its disposal.
We like to talk to you in person. Only then will we find out what you really need. And come up with a solution that works. So do you have any questions? Let us know!
IBAN: NL83 RABO 0130963887
BTW-nr: NL854964502B01
KvK-nr: 62805886
Our specialists are happy to think along with you. Leave your details and we will contact you soon.